Information for authors

Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ, Mathematica, contains original research papers in all fields of mathematics, mainly in analysis. One volume, divided into two issues, is published annually. The journal is an Open Access journal and the articles published in Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ, Mathematica, are available freely in starting from volume 1, 1975. From 2010 on the papers are furnished with DOI numbers pointing to the web address of the article. At present there are no charges for authors.

Papers intended for publication could be sent either by e-mail or by ordinary mail. An electronic submission should be sent to Dr. Mika Koskenoja (mika.koskenoja(at) and it should contain a pdf copy of the manuscript. Submissions by ordinary mail should contain two copies, typewritten on one side of the paper, double spaced with generous margins and be sent to the Editor: Professor Olli Martio, The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, Mariankatu 5, FI-00170 Helsinki, Finland.

The authors are encouraged to submit electronically prepared manuscripts; LaTeX is preferred. However, files should not be sent until the paper has been accepted for publication.

The paper should contain an abstract, key words and the 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification numbers. References should be ordered alphabetically according to the authors' names, with the abbreviations of the Mathematical Reviews for journals.


Submitted papers are refereed according to internationally acknowledged standards. Authors of accepted papers should agree that the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters shall become the possessor of all copyright, translation and transfer rights over the publication in printed and/or electronic form. Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ Mathematica does not allow reuse and remixing of content.


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